showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Defense Spectral Associates (Colorful Software)1982 labelimageminimize
Anti-Ballistic Missile Command Chromasette1982 labelminimizeminimize
Flying Tigers Sugar Software1983 labelminimizeminimize
Stellar Life Line  Tandy (SRB Software)1984A similar concept to the arcade game Defender. Players pilot a fighter craft to escort fleets of defenseless starships on autopilot traveling from star base to star base. Along the way are asteroids, space phenomenon, and hostile hazards approaching from front or rear of the fleet that can destroy starships one by one. Fortunately, the fighter craft can travel in both directions and shoot and destroy targets in front of it. Each level introduces more difficult things to destroy. Points are awarded for destruction of hazards and successful delivery of each starship. labelminimizesubject
Iron Forest Diecom1988This game is compatible with the Sega Master System Phasor (a lightgun). And that isn't the only wow factor, the graphics look like they belong on a 16-bit 90s console instead of an 8-bit 80s computer.

The player must protect the bird from enemies by shooting them. Don't shoot the bird. Enemies and the bird will pass behind objects and eachother on occasion. The player cannot shoot objects where they are blocked from view. Each level is faster than the last.
Medieval Madness Diecom1988 labelminimizeminimize